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About Bracken Hall Countryside Centre and Museum

Bracken Hall opened in May 1981 by Mari and John Friend. In 1984, it was sold to West Yorkshire Countryside Services and then transferred to Bradford Council Museum Services in 1985.

In May, 2012, Bradford Council reduced funding for Bracken Hall which continued operating with limited capacity until its closure in March 2013.

Since that time, it has seen thousands of visitors, young and old, individuals, families, groups and school parties walk through its doors. Located on Shipley Glen above a beautiful wooded ravine formed during the last ice age, it is surrounded by moor, woods, rocks, wildlife, history and interesting archaeology.

Baildon Town Council, along with FoBHCC, worked hard to secure the reopening of Bracken Hall with the aim of reinstating many of its former activities and encouraging new opportunities, in conjunction with volunteers and other providers.

The Friends of Bracken Hall have been running Wild Wednesday activities from 2 – 4pm during the school holidays from summer 2013 and John Dallas has led monthly Friday countryside Guided Walks, both activities meeting on the Glen opposite Bracken Hall.

Upon reopening, Bracken Hall Countryside Centre will consist of the main front room, a separate classroom and separate toilet facilities.

Previous activities at Bracken Hall

Bracken Hall has always been about entertainment coupled with education. To this end, posters and interactive features were available for children of all ages.

Informative displays were also at hand, detailing wildlife, flora, fauna and local points of interest including the ancient cup and ring stones in the area. A nice selection of books, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, book marks, notepads and other items were also available - even ice cream!

Some of the activities held at Bracken Hall:

• Night-time Bat walks

• Fossil walks

• Wood/nature walks

• Stream and pond dipping

• Bug hunting

• Painting

• Treasure hunts

• Model making

• Games and quizzes

Bracken Hall Countryside Centre, Glen Road, Baildon, West Yorkshire, BD17 5EA, ENGLAND